Attention! Find Top 9 Unheard Secrets Behind the Most Productive People.

 In a survey, by Rober Half, 71% of users said listening to songs at work makes them highly productive. 

A CareerBuilder study found that 53% of surveyed people are less efficient when their work surroundings are too cold.

85% of the workforce is not engaged or is disengaged at work, rising in $7 trillion in lost productivity, as per Gallup’s State of the Local Workplace. 

An Exeter University study mentions that the open office layout builds a 32% drop in complete well-being, as well as a 15% reduction in productivity.

However, there is always a person in your acquaintance who is productive and completes all tasks within the deadlines. Hence, I have decided to perform some research and discovered several great hacks to enhance productivity.

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