
Showing posts from May, 2021

Is Employee Monitoring Legal in the US? - Laws Explained

Is it lawful to track and monitor employees in the United States? Is it legal for companies to keep an eye on their employees? Let's look at the top ten most often asked questions about # EmployeeMonitoring regulations in the United States. Workplace transparency is always a good idea! Is it legal to monitor employees in your country? Try # WorkStatus , which makes tracking easy by adhering to tight rules. 
  WorkStatus multi-management Software gears Task Efficiency Software inclusive of multiple features rings employee to perform tasks WorkStatus , a new multi-featured software recently launched for remote/in-house and on-site team industries. The major goal initiated is to provide a single platform to track and manage the workflow of staff at the same time. The client chain target is basically for Europe, the USA, UK, Australia, and the Middle east. WorkStatus offers effortless team management with less or no human intervention. Talking about its 14+ features managers can assign and monitor the work anywhere and any time. Managing two different platforms one for tracking the task and the other for managing becomes a hectic situation. In order to cancel the burden, Workstatus came out as the one-man army platform. With this, the manager can monitor the status and productivity of employee’s assigned work. The software extends the choice for users to work either for remote or on-site...
Top 9 Industries That Use GPS Tracking Earlier people were unsure about the usage of GPS tracking. However, when we talk about the current scenario almost 90% have accepted the GPS function. With time, GPS tracking has entered into companies, vehicles, cell phones, animals, etc. Coming to the closest years i.e. 2020-2021, demand increased to almost 70% in various sectors. Today we will have an insight into industries that use GPS Tracking. Do comment and share your industry type to know the best suitable  GPS tracking software . Let’s get started. Types of Industries Using GPS Tracking Well, the first GPS tracking was implemented in the U.S. Department of Defence blocks. Later on, when people started accepting then slowly it went as an important feature to various sectors. Below are the major industries using GPS tracking tools. Checkout: Working Sector All Industries include desk work employees and fieldwork employees. The employees working from the office can be supervise...

Why is Privileged Access Management Important?

I magine you’re living in a big house full of people ( family) and everybody has access to almost every room of it. But, then there is one safe room containing all your important documents and extremely precious assets. Would you be comfortable sharing its access to all? Or would you prefer to keep it safe, closed, and accessible to only you? Chances are even that you will set a monitoring system for it too. This is exactly why and how  privileged user monitoring  is needed and works in organizations too.  Table of Contents What Do You Mean by Privileged Access?  How Do Privileged Access Monitoring Works?    Why is Privileged Access Management Important?     Best Practices to Manage Privileged Access  Plan and Induce a Feasible PAM Policy   Centralize Repository of all Privileged Accounts Monitor PAs daily PAM with extensive features What Do You Mean by Privileged Access?  An organization consists of a set of emp...
  Do you know what a Timesheet is? NO, I’ll tell you- Timesheet represents summarized hours worked by each employee during the whole pay period. You can record the sheet manually or can also automate it with the help of online timesheet reporting software. But why manually when you have a large variety of software available in the market. Thinking about how to  automate timesheets , the benefits, what if software manipulates the timesheet, or which software is best for online timesheet reporting? Relax, today I’m writing to clear up all your confusion, sit back and read the full blog. Do you know, in this whole automated world, more than half of the companies around the globe still track time manually, relying on paper and Excel records to track their employee productivity and time? Many companies are unaware of timesheet reporting software benefits, so if your organization does, the same don’t be embarrassed. You’re not alone. Image Source: TOP 5 Benefit...